Seek the Light (Mental Health Campaign)

The mental health campaign ‘Seek the Light’ was created by myself to honour my friend Zane who sadly took his own life early last year. Accepting Zane’s passing was a very hard pill to swallow, and so were the other 5 who also took their own lives that I had either briefly met, or had been relatives/family friends of the people I love. If Zane and the hundreds of other Kiwis had seen a message, a billboard like the ones I have created, maybe it would have been the sign they needed to get help. My inspiration for Seek the Light was to be different from other mental health campaigns. I didn’t want dark colours or depressing images to advertise depression but instead, inspirational messages that people can look at and bright colours to symbolise hope.

Software that was used:

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Procreate


Origins of Miami


Zee + Tea