A bit about me.

Where do I even begin?! Hi, I'm Hannah MacBain and I'm 22 years old. I graduated earlier this year from the Auckland University of Technology with a Bachelor of Communication Studies with a double major in Digital Communication & Radio and Audio. 

I’ve always had a knack for creativity, and as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realised that I am a real perfectionist and someone who has a real eye for detail. That's probably the reason why I always found myself unnecessarily spending more time on my uni assignments than I needed to, tweaking and fine-tuning every visual aspect before I submitted. My paragraphs had to be perfectly aligned every time I wrote an essay, I had to make covers for all my assignments (was not marked on the presentation) or I spent hours perfecting my wireframe drawings using Adobe Illustrator; making sure all the lines were straight, and making everything the exact same size. My perfectionism then became something I could use to create work I could be proud of as a digital designer. Having the ability to create beautiful-looking websites, illustrations, prototypes, and everything in between was what I loved most about the Digital Communication major. I am excited to take a step towards my dream career. I can’t wait to start using the skills I’ve learnt from my degree and create digital artwork as part of your team. Aside from my passion for design, I also love to work in a team environment. I have been working in retail for almost four and a half years now and have loved working with a team and working closely with customers, which will now move to clients in my new field of work! To sum myself up; I don't take life too seriously. I enjoy experiencing new things and taking risks (what I told myself before I held the Boa Constrictor snake on a street in Miami). And I love to laugh! My work colleagues have always said that it wouldn’t be a normal day of work if I wasn’t laughing about something silly.

Areas of Expertise (Skills learnt at university)

Brand identity
Package design
UX & UI design
Print/Layout design
App design

I am excited to hear back from you, and excited to start my career in all things design. Feel free to contact me on my email or mobile.


021 160 5090